What is Career Astrology?

Usually, an astrologer will give you a general reading about what your life could look like looking at your birth chart (placement of planetary bodies at time of birth). It includes love, challenges, career, etc. Some will focus specifically on a topic. Career astrology gives you specific insight into your career.

Go to my free career astrology report website to get an idea of what type of insights I’ll share during your reading.

I specifically use the Placidus system to read your chart. There are numerous ways to interpret a birth chart. Each has its own merits and it’s important for you to figure out which one resonates most with you! If this is your first reading and/or have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry! Just be open and allow your intuition to guide you. 

What will I share in the reading?

Many things will come up during your reading. Although it has a career focus, we will touch upon personal areas of your life especially issues and challenges you've faced in both areas. You'll know if you're on the right path. I'll share a potential life purpose, jobs/businesses to fulfill your purpose, the easiest way for you to make money, which jobs feel safe and which ones are more fulfilling and will allow you to grow, how to achieve success, if it's the right time to switch jobs, and more.

There will be actionable steps you can take to help you understand your next steps.

Is a Career Astrology Reading right for you?

A Career Astrology Reading is perfect for those who need clarity on their next steps whether it’s looking for a promotion or your next job to starting a new business. I’ll let you know if you’re on the right path. During the reading, I’ll share more insights into your current situation, what’s holding you back, and next steps. It’s super helpful for those who have no idea what they should do next but they know what they don’t want. I’ll help you shift your energy and feel empowered about your next steps. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your values, and your skills/talents which is crucial to move forward in your career.

How long is a reading? How much does it cost?

When you book the session, I’ll ask for some information. You can also share what you want to focus on and any questions you may have. The session is for 45 minutes and is $333. You will get a recording too. This is great for those who want to have questions and want a live reading. For those who want something more budget friendly and don’t need to ask questions, the pre-recorded reading is a great option at $55. You get a recording that is 15 - 20 minutes with tons of astrological insights.

I really enjoyed my experience with Alice! After our reading, I would highly recommend Alice to anyone seeking to analyze their chart and make some hard decisions about their life. Alice was incredibly thorough and provided me with practical advice, as well as, tools to help me tackle my next phase of life based on my reading. Do yourself a favor and set up some time to gain the clarity you’ve been looking for!
— Jill
My friend loved her reading with you. She’s feeling newly motivated and it’s so great to feel that energy emulating from her. Thank you, thank you!
— Anna

Other Things I’ll Share During a Reading


What you need to self-care and not burnout

What you need to feel supported by your business

How to structure your business so you thrive instead of burnout

Image and Ideal Clients

How you come across in first impressions

How you come across to clients, partners, etc.

Your general energy/vibe you share with others

Ideal clients/customers

Career/Business Creation

What you’ll learn from creating a business

What type of business to create to feel fulfilled

Product and or service to create

What are your growth areas + how you will be pushed past your comfort zone

Your purpose in this lifetime

The type of client, people, groups, organizations you are meant to help

Jobs/businesses that are in alignment with your values

Jobs that will allow you to thrive

New skills you’ll learn and develop

Your Superpowers & Success Factor

Things you’re good at

Skills that come easily to you

Ways to embody success

How to be successful in your career

What you may be known for in life

Potential Roadblocks and Challenges

Challenges you’ll face in business/personal life (they are the same sometimes)

Where your big life lessons will show up/manifest

When you’ll face big life lessons re: career

Where you will experience friction in your job and/or business