Trusting Your Intuition with Shelly Bell

Trusting Your Intuition and the Spiritual Journey with Shelly Bell

In this week’s episode, Alice sits down with founder of Black Girl Ventures, Shelly Bell to discuss her spiritual journey and how intuition has helped her professionally. They chat about embracing intuition, cultivating psychic abilities, spirituality, and entrepreneurship. You can find a workbook related to the episode here.

Welcome to Into the Woo, a wellness podcast hosted by Alice Hu. I’ll be exploring the world of crystals, energy healing, spirit guides and more to help you understand how they can unlock your potential. These concepts have helped me discover my purpose and my truth and I can’t wait to hear how they will inspire you. I’ll show you how they can accessible and powerful tools in your life.

Discover Your Truth. Speak Your Truth. Step into Your Power.

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