All the Woo Woo 


Woo Woo Company is a guide for all things woo, spiritual, and holistic health.

Hi, I’m Alice, the founder of Woo Woo Company and I’ll be your guide!

We'll explore topics like Human Design, astrology, sound therapy, crystals, manifestation, and more through 1:1 mentorship, events, podcast, and articles.

Everything I share with you is to help you develop your own intuition to figure out your purpose and career. As you explore the world of woo, discover the tools and concepts that resonate most with you and leave the ones that don't work behind. If I do our job right, you'll only need to look inward for the answers. But until then, I'll help you on your spiritual journey in discovering who you are and what you want in this life.

To read about how Woo Woo Company got started, click here.

Need 1:1 support? Check out the Career Clarity Reading, Spiritual Mentorship, or Spiritual Business Mentorship for those who are (aspiring) wellness entrepreneurs.

Connect with us on Instagram @woowooco.

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