Corporate Events & Programming

Whether it’s one workshop or a wellness program, I’d love to create something for you. As a fractional Chief Mindfulness Officer, I lead wellness workshops centered around helping people develop emotional intelligence, strengthen their intuition, and understand/manage their energy better. The benefits are twofold: stress reduction and better interpersonal relationships skills and awareness (especially from a management and client engagement perspective). 

The mind is where we spend most of our time so we must make it a safe, enjoyable place to live. It all starts with your mindset. I offer various types of workshops and programs to help you reset your energy and feel more connected to your intuition. Attendees will feel more focused and positive after an experience. See below for some sample events. If you’re looking for something specific, please fill out the form below.

Corporate Workshop Examples:

  • Rituals for a Better Day

  • Activate Your Intuition for Better Decision Making

  • Sound Bath for Relaxation or Activation of Personal Power

View the full corporate offering with testimonials here.

What type of event and/or programming are you looking for?