Root Chakra: Understanding the Shadow Self and Scarcity Mentality


During an Akashic Records event about moving from a scarcity mindset to a more positive one, the records told us to focus on the root chakra. That our feelings of not having or being enough were directly related to our childhood experiences and thus the root chakra.

Chakras are energy centers of the body that reside along the spine. When they are imbalanced, you may feel off in your body and/or areas of your life related to that specific chakra. The root chakra is the first of the 7 major chakras of our body. It is the foundation for all others. As a lower chakra, it is connected to the earth and our physical bodies. The root chakra represents stability, family, purpose, security, basic needs to feel safe, and a sense of belonging. What is my purpose? Who is part of my tribe? How do I relate to others? Who is my family?

When you feel a sense of scarcity or lack, it can be translated into a variety of things but center around feelings of isolation, lack of connection, and losing hope. Often times this sense of scarcity comes from the past and may no longer be true for our current lives. This insecurity is part of your shadow self. The shadow self is where your insecurities, fears,and anxieties lie. The part of you that you hide from others. When you talk or confront your shadow self, in this case a sense of scarcity, you shine a light on it and start the healing process. The more you understand it, the less power it has over you.

Kristen of On Purpose Wellness channeled a message from the records to help us deal with these past instances of lack.

Write down all the times you’ve felt a sense of scarcity and lack. Don’t be harsh or make judgments on that situation and yourself at that time. Instead, be grateful to have had that experience because it served you at that time. Look to see if there are any patterns. Release them from your life.

Family may have also played a role in your current feelings of scarcity so examine how you were raised, which values didn’t resonate with you and which ones you have integrated into your life. What do you need to let go of? Who do you need to forgive?

Journaling about scarcity as it relates to the root chakra will provide more clarity. (Lots of questions above to help guide you.) To heal your root chakra, you can focus on grounding your energy through a meditation, connecting to nature by taking a walk or adding a plant to your immediate environment, moving your body / connecting to your body in a way that serves you, and surrounding yourself with the color red (root chakra color). The root chakra’s frequency is 396 Hz so listening to music at that frequency will help with healing.

Youtube Link to Root Chakra Music here and here. Spotify playlist here.

Guided Root Chakra / Grounding Meditation here to play.

Do a combination of these things for the next week and check-in with yourself and me on any insights and/or progress. Remember, it’s always a work in progress. If you would like to connect with an energy healer to work on your root chakra, email me hello [at] woowoocompany [dot] com. I’ll share a few recommendations with you!

Want to understand the root chakra more? Check out the resources below.

Well + Good: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: What are Chakras?

Spacious Therapy: Root Chakra

Chopra Center: The Root Chakra

Alice Hu