September 2019 Newsletter: Chakra Healing Yoga, Crystal Workshops, & Fall Retreat

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The Woo Woo Company is a community for skeptical hippies. We're bringing new, unique health and wellness concepts to Washington, D.C. We bring the topics. You decide what works for you. 
The Power of Meditation & A Look at September
Many people ask me how I got into the "woo"." I tell them it's because of meditation. Meditation is not easy but you should also understand that meditation isn't just sitting quietly alone. Meditation is anything that allows you to clear your head. It could be taking a walk, journaling, or doodling. If you feel a little more at ease and calmer after the activity, it counts as meditation! (at least I think so). 

Wellness starts from within. You don't need a membership to a yoga studio, a therapist, or the latest product/service in wellness to be well. These things obviously help but to do the real work, you must get quiet. You must get to know yourself. The good parts and the bad. When your voice finds you, there is no going back.

We hope that our events have inspired you to incorporate wellness more frequently into your life. Thank you to everyone who has come out this summer for the summer of woo! We've got more events for you in September and a special guest from the land of woo - Los Angeles. 

Woo Woo Company is excited to bring Mariah Lyons of LA to DC for three workshops. Mariah K. Lyons is a Meditation Guide, Yoga Instructor, Certified Nutrition Consultant, Reiki Master Healer and Holistic Lifestyle Leader who has facilitated workshops for Soho House, Nike, Carbon38, NBC Universal, W Hotels, and more. She was recently featured in Forbes where she shared why and how she started Astara, a grounding shoe line. Our first event will be about how to live a high vibrational life, a holistic approach to bringing more good into your life. As a crystals expert, Mariah will also be conducting a Crystals 101 workshop and Crystals Healer training perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about crystals and how to incorporate them into their everyday life and add crystals to their healing toolkit if they are a wellness practitioner. 

We'll also be regularly hosting our Chakra Healing Yoga + Sound Baths at Lululemon Georgetown and Eaton Workshop! First one is Thursday, 9/12 at 6:30pm at Lululemon Georgetown! Save the date.

If you're interested in a weekend of self-care, our retreat with CANIS is happening in one month! September 27 - 29 in Berryville, VA. We'll have incredible activities to get your relaxed and nourishing food. Learn more about it here! Our early bird pricing ends soon so reply to this email to sign-up ASAP.



P.S. It's a new moon tomorrow morning (8/30) so don't forget to write your new moon intentions. It's a wonderful time to start something new. Channel that Virgo moon energy - organization, structure, and that getting to work mentality! 
September Woo Woo Company Calendar
Therapists Now Need to Figure Out Astrology and More to Help Clients
A lot of people sent us this article today about therapists needing to figure out astrology and more woo woo topics to help their patients. From the article, we learned that a 2017 Pew Research Center survey found that half of Americans have explored alternative medicine. Instead of references to therapists, people are referencing their psychics and shamans. It's truly a new age for the woo. Read more here.
Early Bird Pricing for Self-Care @ The Outpost Ends Soon!
A weekend filled with wonderful company, relaxing activities, nature, nourishing food, and more. You won't want to miss our first retreat! Our early bird pricing ends in a few days, so reply to this email to learn more! You can also read more about the activities, food, and rooms here
A Little Woo for Your Professional Life
If you missed the Work Wellness event this week, you can still plan out your September by purchasing the workbook here! We focused on flow versus force and boundaries to plan for the month ahead. It's a workbook you'll refer to throughout the month to help you stay on track with your goals. Our next one is Monday, 9/30 at 6:30pm at Cherry Blossom Creative for those who can't make the morning sessions we've had in the past! 
A Treat from Our Friends Rawfully Delish!

Rawfully Delish! makes good-for-you raw vegan, gluten and refined sugar-free desserts. By using only raw ingredients, they are able to make cakes that are actually healthy! (Activated nuts, seasonal berries and fruits, low-glycemic sweeteners, and no gluten and lactose.)

They have a special deal on their TASTING SET- a 9-inch cake that includes all 6 of their flavors: Strawberry Cheesecake, Super Berry Swirl, Avo Lime Cake, Apricot Goji Cheesecake, Lady Cacao, and Flower Power. Message them to try the sampler RAWTREATSDC@GMAIL.COM

If you want to be featured or know someone you think we should include, reply to this email! We'd love to hear from you. 
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Alice Hu