Sacral Chakra


We began a deep dive into the chakras with our first article on the root chakra- check it out! Moving up from the root, the first chakra, we come to the second energy center. The sacral chakra is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. The sacral is often connected with our creative and sexual energies. It’s commonly associated with the color orange and the element of water.

When it is balanced, you will feel sensual, joyful, and passionate. It allows us to creatively deal with challenges and tap into our intuition. A fully open chakra allows you to experience intimacy, live authentically, and be honest about your desires. 

If the energy center is out of alignment, you may experience a block in creativity and feel emotional instability. An energy center can be blocked/imbalanced either by it being underactive or overactive. An underactive sacral chakra can detach you from your emotions and those around you, leaving you with a fear of pleasure, lack of creativity, and fatigue feeling. An overactive sacral chakra is receiving too much energy and causes an overwhelming feeling. Behaviors rooted in anxiety, aggressiveness, and overreactions are common for this imbalance to the energy center.  Codependent behaviors are easy to notice for an overactive chakra, defined as a relationship in which you give away your power. You can overcome codependency so it is important to examine your relationship with others and evaluate how they make you feel. The sacral chakra embodies your relationship with the discovery and exploration of your world. A balanced sacral chakra can help you self-advocate and overcome codependency!

Ways to balance your sacral chakra:

  • Connect with water: You can take a bath, go swimming, or dangle your feet in a body of water. 

  • Be creative: Let your creative energy flow with dancing, writing, drawing, or other playful activities. 

  • Yoga: Poses include Frog, Pigeon, and Goddess pose. 

  • Sacral Chakra Affirmations: Repeat positive “I feel” affirmations, such as “I feel peace.”

  • Foods: Eat orange foods such as sweet potato, carrots, and orange bell peppers. 

  • Aromatherapy: The best smells to balance the chakra include rose, sandalwood, cardamom, and orange. 

  • Crystal Healing: Surround yourself with crystals such as amber, orange carnelian, and calcite. The crystals will detox your body and restore energy and creativity.

Sacral Chakra Recap

  • Color- Orange.

  • Located between the pubic bone and navel.

  • Element- Water.

  • Underactive- You are feeling a lack of creativity or pleasure.

  • Overactive- You are experiencing emotional overreactions or aggressiveness.

In order to go from a place of codependency to a healthy personal relationship, you must balance the sacral chakra. You will know it’s balanced when you feel your creative and sexual energies at peace!

Here are additional resources on the sacral chakra!

Well + Good: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: Sacral Chakra