Solar Plexus Chakra


The solar plexus is where we hold our power. Above the root and sacral chakra is our third chakra, located between the navel and the sternum. This energy center is our source of individual power, self-esteem, courage, strength, confidence, and commitment. It’s the core of your personality and identity! The solar plexus chakra is related to anything metabolic, digestive, and stomach-related. It’s commonly known by the color yellow and the element of fire. 

An aligned solar plexus chakra you to realize our personal desires and intentions in the world. It is your identity. The energy center plays an important role in the development of personal power and finding your direction and purpose. The actions you take in order to reach your goals are direct reflections of this chakra. You can also overcome fear, master thoughts, and make conscious choices out of integrity.

If the chakra is blocked, you may have a stomach ache or gas, physical symptoms of the stomach area. You may also suffer from low self-esteem, difficulty in making decisions, and different forms of anger. A loss of identity can bring a lack of control and cloud your authentic self. 

An underactive solar plexus chakra may mean you experience a sense of lack of control and purpose in life. Your emotional problems may range from a lack of confidence, low self-esteem, indecisiveness, helplessness, and self-doubting. On the contrary, an overactive solar plexus occurs when the chakra is distributing too much energy. The energy center is working overtime and can greatly impact well being. Overstimulation of the solar plexus may look like a desire for control, stubbornness, anger, judgment, and aggression. This can also be described as when a person is acting out from their ego. 

To balance your solar plexus chakra, you must restore balance and proper energy flow. Ideally, you want to focus on the core of your identity and power. With greater confidence and self-esteem, the more willpower you will have to get things done. Trying new things and discovering what you enjoy can restore and enhance your sense of personal identity! When you can, try out that DIY project or a new style of cooking and journal how you felt after. Take inventory of actions, new or old, that make you feel your own power. 

Ways to balance your solar plexus chakra:

  • Get outside: Remember the solar plexus chakra’s element is fire, so spend time outside on sunny days. 

  • Try new things: Discover what you enjoy!

  • Yoga: The best poses include boat, lion, and the seated spinal twist. 

  • Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations: Repeat positive “I can” affirmations, such as “I can choose in all situations”. 

  • Foods: Choose yellow, starchy, and easily digestible foods like pineapple, squash, and banana! 

  • Aromatherapy: Enjoy smells like Cedarwood, Lavender, and Rosemary. 

  • Crystal Healing: Wonderful crystals for the solar plexus chakra include citrine and tiger’s eye. Meditating with or wearing these crystals will help you feel empowered and well-balanced.

Solar Plexus Chakra Recap

  • Color- Yellow.

  • Located between the navel and sternum.

  • Element- Fire.

  • Underactive- You are feeling a lack of confidence or helplessness.

  • Overactive- You are experiencing a desire for control and stubbornness.

Seize your personal power and improve your self-confidence with balancing with solar plexus chakra You deserve to be freed from doubt and instead have the willpower to achieve your dreams!

Here are additional resources on the solar plexus chakra!

Well + Good: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: Solar Plexus Chakra

Guest Userchakras, energy