Throat Chakra


The throat chakra is related to speaking our truth and authentic voice. The fifth of the seven chakras is located in the center of the neck and expands through the shoulders. This chakra is the first of the higher chakras, with a strong connection to the sacral chakra, embodying your true originality and authenticity! The throat chakra is motivated by expression and truth, therefore, it is responsible for communicating effectively. The energy center is known for its color blue and the element ether.

When your fifth chakra is balanced, you are able to be inspired, project your ideas, and align your vision with reality. It empowers you to be yourself and share it with the world through personal expression. The energy center gives you the courage to speak your truth and be honest with yourself and others. You can effectively communicate your ideas and thoughts and even have the tools to listen deeply to others around you. Imagine someone standing up for what they believe in with integrity! It is where we are able to manifest. Thoughts into spoken or written words and then something more tangible in the physical world.

When the throat chakra is imbalanced, it can cause emotional and physical stress throughout the whole body. The disruption of energy can cause an imbalance in the entire chakra system. When the chakra is underactive, it means the chakra is experiencing a blockage from the flow of energy. An underactive throat chakra can contribute to feelings of insecurity, introversion, and a fear of speaking up. When the chakra is blocked, it can detach you from your authentic and true self. In this energy center, it is common to feel a physical block -- a lump in the throat when you can’t say what you want. On the other hand, an overactive third eye means the chakra is receiving too much energy. This can manifest as you become your own and others’ worst critic. Your communication may include gossiping, rudeness, criticizing, and even condescending. Struggles may arise in relationships with others because of the way you communicate. You may not be giving others an opportunity to speak and share.

In order to balance your throat chakra, it is important you practice speaking openly and honestly. Using your authentic voice is the best way to restore harmony to the throat. Make sure your words are kind and heartfelt, just like the golden rule!

Ways to balance your throat chakra:

  • Go outside: Getting outside on a clear sky day can restore harmonious energy. 

  • Use your voice: Talking with close friends and family in a heartfelt way can work on your throat chakra. 

  • Yoga: Poses should focus on opening the neck and shoulders like Plow, Bridge, and Child’s Pose. 

  • Throat Chakra Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations such as “I am honest in my communication,” and “I have a right to speak my truth”.

  • Crystal healing: Lapis lazuli is known to highly influence the energy center.  

  • Aromatherapy: The best smells to balance the chakra include peppermint, cypress, chamomile, and rosemary. 

Throat Chakra Recap

  • Color- Blue.

  • Located at the center of your throat.

  • Element- Ether.

  • Underactive- You are feeling introverted, insecure, or small.

  • Overactive- You are experiencing an overly critical and rude voice or arrogance.

Your authentic expression of truth can be realized with some time spent outside, focus on honesty and physical opening of the throat. Be curious about what truths are unique for you. Don’t be afraid to share them with yourself and others. 

Here are additional resources on the throat chakra!

Well + Good: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: What are Chakras?

Chopra Center: Throat Chakra

Guest Userchakras, energy